If you take the time to ask, a lot of people are going to tell you there is no way to choose whether to conceive a boy or a girl. They're going to tell you it is up to mother nature and they will scoff at those they think it is possible to determine if it is going to be a boy or a girl. And of those that think it is possible, you will notice that there are so many opinions on how to do it. If you want to know more about how to get pregnant with a boy or a girl there is information here that might be helpful.
And as long as we're going to discuss gender we might as well discuss genetics. Most know that a baby gets 50 percent of their genetics from their mother and the other 50 percent from their father. What most do not know, or forgot, is that the woman carries the XX genes and the father carries the XY genes. What this means as it relates to the gender of a newborn baby, is that the mother provides the X and the father provides either the X or the Y and that the sperm determines gender.
If you are hoping against all hope for a little boy and explore the recommendations, you'll come to learn there are a number of suggestions that might help. Most agree the male should be in the dominant sexual position and that he should initiate the contact. Intercourse should occur approximately twelve hours prior to ovulation. The point is to have the Y sperm reach the egg before the X sperm.
If you are hoping for a baby girl you will hear the same types of concerns. The very same variables that control the birth of a male also help to encourage the birth of a female, only the positions and conditions are altered.
As you begin to become more familiar with all the things that could potentially help to control gender you will find that some programs make use of a sub set of methods, others an entirely different sub set of methods, and still others suggest a certain combination to include any or all of the common practices for a given gender. Still, none of these can make any guarantees beyond offering to increase the potential for the gender of choice.
And it goes without saying that a conversation with your doctors would be a good place to start, even if you are not concerned with gender. Of course, with the unique practices that people may implement during their pregnancy in an effort to determine gender, this conversation with your doctor becomes even more important. Diet, supplements and other variables may not be right for certain people, so check it out and get clearance before you decide.
So whether you are planning a family or a new addition, if gender is of concern talk with your doctor, explore your options, and ask those you know what, if anything, they did as a way to have either a boy or a girl. Take your time and make the right choice and enjoy your newborn!
Want to get the table that will show you the age of the woman from 18 years to 40 years and the likelihood month she will need to conceive in other to deliver a baby boy or girl, send your request to this email:
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