Thursday, June 30, 2011

Five Things That Makes A Man Amazing In Bed!

So often do we hear of relationships breaking because “he was not exciting enough”! It is indeed sad but true that most men in the world do not know how to satisfy their women. And then the blame is squarely laid on the female mind most of the time. “Women are so unpredictable!” they would say. But did you know that most women think in a uniform manner and even respond almost similarly when they are with their men?

If you read that again, you will see that there are some tricks that you can use with your woman to make her feel that you are the greatest gift she has ever got.
Here are FIVE things that can make any man amazing in bed. Go give all of them a try!

How to be AMAZING in Bed

1. The Right Mood

There is no need to emphasize the importance of the role played by the mind in any sexual act. Most sexual acts that turn out to be ‘mediocre’ are largely because the people involved were not in the right mood. Now, you can be a real amazing man in bed if you could turn on the right mood for your woman. Do you think you can do that? Of course, you could!

What does a woman need to get her into the right mood? Oftentimes, just a few complimentary words can work wonders. Sometimes, even words are not necessary. The right touch, the right look… they can be enough. If your woman gets physically tired during the day, you can begin by massaging her body. You don’t know how much this touch can work her up and make her ready for what is to come.
Simple, thoughtful things you can do around your home works wonders too! For instance, tell her that there will be no cooking tonight. You’ll order out, buy some wine, (if you have kids, even offer arranging for the baby-sitter or make a better arrangement for them so that they will not disturb you both), rent a nice movie, etc. Do anything that will make her relax… and put her in the right sexual mood.

2. Sensitivity

Yes, men need to be sensitive when it comes to love and sex. It is absolutely essential for women. Women expect men to be considerate about their needs in bed too. In fact, most women will try to tease you when you attempt to go close to them. They might want something but say something else. If you are sensitive enough, you will be able to break through their words and actions and see the real truth behind them.

And most of all, a sensitive man will try to pleasure his woman as much as he receives pleasure. Foreplay is an extremely important part of the sexual act for women and ensuring that you engage in this thoroughly first will make you look simply amazing for her!

3. Affection

How affectionate are you with your woman? Do you touch her where she wants you to? Do you make eye contact with her when you are in bed together? Do you kiss her when making love? These are essential ways of showing affection. When you are making love to each other, some nonsexual things that you do can go a long way. You might caress her hair, for example, or you might just give her a look that you really love this. Most women would remember these ’signs’ for much longer than the actual sexual act.

4. Follow The Signs

Women are basically funny creatures. They will not mouth what they really want. This is where the man must cue in and understand what she needs. These will be very subtle signs – like a leading of the hand somewhere or a slight kiss on a sensitive part of the body. If you want to be labeled amazing in bed, you need to stop and read into these gestures. They are never done in vain; the woman wants something and you must understand it and give it to her.

5. Afterglow

They say love really happens in the moments a couple lies idly on their bed after making physical love. A man who just gets up and goes to get a shower after the act is over will never be remembered fondly by his partner. If you want to be called truly amazing in bed, really bask in the afterglow of sex; gently caressing her body with yours, cuddling, and others are important as women want to feel that you just didn’t use them as a sex toy. The best topic is to tell how good the sex was. That always paves the way for more and better sex later on!

In many ways, to be considered amazing in bed, you need to go beyond the sexual act itself. You must be sensitive to your partner’s needs and not just be concerned with your own climax.

Follow the tips above and your partner will truly consider you AMAZING

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