Saturday, March 12, 2011

Career And Family (2) - Jobs That Endanger Family Life

In brief summary, we are considering those Job that can endanger our family life if not properly handled. We said that our career, like our family, is equally important, through our careers we get money to sustain our families and live a good live. Most of the time, career will be in conflict against family life. In this second piece of our article, I will be exposing to you some other jobs and career that can endanger family and marriages.

1) Jobs That Take You Away From God. Any job that takes you away from God Almighty will definitely affect your marriage. Jobs that involves telling lies, stealing, committing crimes for your company, tax evasion, bribery, corrupt practices, prostitution and sexual gratification for contract opportunities or to get a client to open account with your bank, etc. You can’t stay in these kind of jobs and think they will not affect your home. I read about a lady that was working with an events and tourism organization as an usher and protocol officer, and one of her duties was to sleep with guests if they so desire it. This they didn’t tell her before her appointment; she had to resign when she discovered this. Another story was of a wonderful lady who resigned from a lucrative banking job when she was asked to sleep with a “big customer” to get an account. Don’t stay in a job that can take you away from God and destroy your intimacy with the Almighty and eventually destroy your marriage and family life. You need God more than anybody. You need God more than that job. You need God now and you will need him tomorrow. Don’t destroy your life and your family life because of a bite of bread.

2) Jobs That Cannot Pay Your Bills. If you are working, you should at least, be able to meet your basic needs of life. If your ‘take-home-pay’ cannot ‘take you home’, I think you need another job. Money is needed to take good care of the home. In fact, there can be no Romance without Finance. If you want your wife to call you HONEY, give her MONEY. Don’t rest on your oars, improve yourself, and increase your capacity to make money. Go back to school if your present certificate makes your employer to pay you peanuts. Develop and improve yourself to be a better person. Don’t just say ‘God will do it’. Do something, do it now. Feed your family and keep your marriage.

3) Jobs That Separate You From Your Spouse More Than 75 Days A Year. Experts classified any job that separate couples more than 75 days a year as “Non-Family Friendly Jobs” (NFFJ). While jobs that separate couples more than 100 days a year are seen as “Family Enemy Jobs” (FEJ). Jobs that separate couples 150 days a year are known as “Family Cancer Jobs” (FCJ). Your family, your marriage become endangered as soon as your family enters a ‘NFFJ’ level; where you spend more than 75 days away from your spouse yearly. Anything can happen. It gives room for suspicion, negative thinking, lack of trust, temptation, sexual immoralities, lust, bad marriage and divorce. It is better to stay in a job that pays less but gives room to nurture your marriage and care for your children than to go for a job that makes you an Electronic Couples, (Couples that operate only through electronic means like phones, pager, fax, e-mails, etc). It is dangerous for you and your home; it exposes you to constant travel, keeping of two homes, loneliness in raising the children, etc. You need to count the cost before you venture into this kind of job.

4) Jobs That Destroy Intimacy. Experts say, For a couple to become intimate, they must have high ‘couples time’ or ‘initiate talking time (ITT)’. In fact, it was said that every couple should have at least 200 romantic hours per year; if they must become intimate and build a better marriage. The less the romantic hours, the higher the level of marriage destruction. In a city like Lagos, many couples are having less than 30 hours a year as romantic hours. That explains reason marriages are difficult for many especially in cities. Please note that romantic hours or intimate talking time is not the period you spend together watching television or even making love, it is the period you spend together playing or talking intimately. Any job that does not give room for that is not a family-friendly job. Some people leave home by 5am only to get back home around midnight everyday of the week. No marriage can grow in that kind of situation. That is why I am of the opinion that both husband and wife should not be in the banking sector at the same time or doing any job that makes both of them to leave home before dawn only to come back just before midnight.

5) Any Jobs You Do Without Wisdom. Every job is demanding and time consuming. In fact, what your employer is paying for is your skill, expertise and your time. You are the one that needs to sit down with your spouse and talk it through. Must both of you be in white collar jobs? Must you work overtime? Must you get a ‘better’ job that will take you away from your family? How about taking a casual leave once in a while just to be with your spouse; to talk, connect and reconnect? Must you be the one traveling every time? Must you always be on the road? You need to apply wisdom so that your marriage can be the best.

6) Any Job That Affect Your Sex Life. Experts says every couple should make love at least 45 times a year, any couple that makes love less than 20 times a year is said to be in a ‘sexless marriage’. One of the major things that affect sex in marriage is the kind of job the couples have. Any job that makes you to sleep with your spouse less than 45 times a year, for any reason, is not a family-friendly job. If you don’t do something fast, it will destroy your marriage. Again you need to talk to your spouse about this and agree about it.

About the G-Spot Orgasm…

Women can orgasm several different ways, via clitoral, vaginal, and of course the G-Spot, the latter can give her a massively satisfying orgasm if stimulated correctly.
Here we will look at how to find it and give your partner immense pleasure once you do!

Where is the G Spot?

The G-Spot is the area to target for maximum sexual arousal.
You will be able to help give added pleasure and a mind blowing climax to your partner if you can locate and stimulate it.

The G-Spot is essentially a bean shaped area of nerve tissue, located about halfway between the back of the pubic bone and the top of a woman’s cervix.

The size and location of the G-Spot will vary between women, but it usually lies about 1.5 to 3 inside the vagina.

This area inside the vagina has a different texture; it’s ridged, not smooth like the rest of the vagina, and when aroused has a spongy feel.

The G-Spot is not easily located. Sometimes even women have a hard time finding it and some don’t even believe it exists, but it does.

All you need to do is to locate it and arouse it and with a little trial and error between you and your partner you can.

Locating the G Spot

To explore and find the G spot, have your partner lie down, knees bent and feet flat on the floor or bed, with a pillow under her buttocks for comfort.

Insert your fingers into her vagina towards her navel. This will be between 1.5 to 3 inches inside the vagina to find the exact spot.

Press with the fingers against the front wall of the vagina. As it’s surrounded by tissue and deep in the vaginal wall, you will need to apply a little pressure. When you finally hit the right spot, it will swell the same way a penis does.

Slide your fingers from side to side. Have your partner tell you when you hit the right place and you she will know, as you will see the reaction when you hit it!

G Spot Technique

When you have found it move your fingers in even circles all around the inside of the vagina walls.

It generally feels best for her if you keep consistent, firm pressure along the entire length of the vaginal walls and use a steady rotational rhythm.

Stop rotating your fingers and rest your fingertips on the ridged area of the G Spot. Then move the fingers in and out and do rotational movements to keep hitting the spot.

Finding a rhythm is what you are looking for here; keep moving the fingers in and out and around constantly hitting the G Spot.

Stimulating the G Spot to the level where it will ejaculate requires three components:

1.Time: Needs to be taken to work your partner up

2.Gentle attention: Listen to your partner and find out what gives her pleasure.

3.Tapping: Keep constantly tapping the G-spot while you are moving your fingers.

Penis stimulation

Penises curve and the ones that curve upwards are most likely to hit the G territory. However if your penis curves to the left or the right, all is not lost. There are options!

If your penis curves to the left, right or to the south, you can position yourself in such a way that your penis hits the spot i.e., you need to be in a position where your penis points north.

For example, if your penis curves to the side. You lie horizontally, she lies vertically and you gain the same impact and will be able to hit her G Spot.

If your penis curves downwards, place her on top of you but facing the other way, you will see her buttocks and then move to hit the G spot.


The G Spot is there in women all you have to do is find it and stimulate it to give your partner huge pleasure.

There is a lot of mystique related to the spot but to find the G spot and give your partner pleasure is really all about communication.

She will be able to guide you, all you need to do is follow her instructions have patience and find out what’s right for her.

If you do, you will add another dimension to your relationship and your partner will be very grateful for your effort!

Career And Family (1) - Jobs That Endanger Family Life

Family is necessary and important. Oh, family is wonderful; we cannot do without our families, as they are the source of our joy and excitement. Our lives revolve round our families. Their joy or otherwise affect us. We feel terribly bad, when bad things happen to them and we feel joyful and excited when good things happen.
Our career, like our family, is equally important, through our careers we get money to sustain our families and live a good live.
Most of the time, career will be in conflict against family life. In fact, most of the time career contributes greatly to the destruction of many marriages and families.
If we want to enjoy our life and destinies, we need to learn how to handle our families and career wisely.
In this piece, I will be exposing to you jobs and career that can endanger family and marriages.

1) All Jobs That Involves Constant Transfer. Jobs that involves from moving from one station to another can endanger marriage and family life. It can work against love life of the parents and adversely affect the children social and academic life. You should be careful before you take such a job. You need to count the cost and discuss openly and frankly with your spouse and seek ways of dealing with problems that may likely emanate from such a job. People in the Military, Police, Para-military, Pastors in denominational churches among others all fall into this category; wisdom should be applied lest constant transfer destabilize your family life.

2) All Jobs That Involves Shift. Jobs that involve working shift too can affect the family. Doctors, Nurses, some factory workers, journalists in electronic media, care givers, fire-brigade, etc fall into this category. Working on shift can hurt the family, most especially if it is not wisely handled. Shift that put you in opposite direction to your spouse is dangerous. By this I mean working in a shift whereby as you are coming home; your spouse is going out, as you are going out, your spouse is coming in; such that you have little or no time together, to talk, pray, play and make love as you would have loved. Before you take such a job, you must be very careful and if you are already in this kind of job; you need to discuss with your spouse and agree about what to do about it. You can also prayerfully discuss with your manager and see what you can do together on this issue before it destroys your marriage.

3) Jobs That Involves Permanent Night Shift. There is something about the night in every family. This is the period all members of the family should be together. Children are back from school; daddy and mummy should be available too. Any job that involves working night duties only is dangerous for your family. Please don’t take up such a job as it will hurt the life of your children, love life, marriage and ultimately your sex life. It even gives room for infidelity. Can you imagine a woman who is on permanent night duty that has a grown up house maid at home to take care of the children alone with a sexually unsatisfied husband? What do you think will happen? When the husband is at work, the woman is at home, when the man returns home, he only returns to the warm embrace of the house maid; who is now the deputy wife. You know what is likely going to happen. Don’t ever go for a job that put you on permanent night shift, no matter the amount of money involved, it will destroy your marriage.

4) Jobs That Takes Your Weekend and Public Holidays Without Any Compensation For It. Some jobs involve weekend duties, and give no room for public holidays. Journalists, workers in aviation industries, people working in essential services organization like electricity, fire service, water Corporation, health care providers, security services, etc all fall into this category. There should be ‘compensation’ for weekend services. By this I mean no body should be made to work seven days a week; it is not good for the worker’s health, his or her morale and family life. Every worker that works on weekend should have “off days” during the week, at least a day and should also be compensated financially for it. If you work in any place where you work seven days a week; you are not working; you are in a slave camp. You need to do something about it before the job destroys you, your health and your family life.

5) Jobs That Gives No Room For Rest. Experts said everybody should rest daily, weekly and yearly. Daily, in the night, weekly at weekends, yearly during annual leave. Any job you are doing that does not give you room for these resting times is not a good job. Every employer should give room for annual leave. You should not allow your employer to pay you in lieu of your leave. Holiday period and weekend is the right period to connect and reconnect with your family. Look forward to it, fight for it, and make good use of it. Don’t ever take a job that does not give room for vacation. If you are already in a job like this; talk to your manager with wisdom. Your vacation is your right; ask for it wisely!